【問題】power yoga中文?推薦回答


百聞不如一試!★學習及教授昆達里尼瑜伽的經典之作!★華人地區第一本教學講授昆達里尼瑜伽的中文正體專書!★作者為昆達里尼瑜伽大師在美國的首位女弟子,深具地位及代表性!★廣受台灣地區數千位昆達里尼瑜伽教師與學員期待!★台灣昆達里尼瑜珈教師協會理事長及教師專文推薦!  這是一本昆達里尼瑜伽的明確指南。昆達里尼瑜伽已然被傳授了數千年之久,一直到近數十年來,才由尤吉巴贊大師向西方世界揭開其神秘的面紗;...


走一趟用心的旅程,吃一道美好的食物,重新發現印度與東南亞八國的深邃之美。   一生遊歷豐富的洪光明,受到異國多元文化的涵養,在人生旅途上發現許多台灣鮮少接觸的好食物,也領悟出好食物帶給身體的無窮能量。從此,他開啟了東西方無國界的飲食觀,只問怎麼吃的好,沒有不敢吃、不知道怎麼吃的問題。   從印度出發,途經新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、柬埔寨、緬甸、寮國,最後到達越南,他要帶著大家展開一篇篇異...

作者:Brown, Richard P./ Gerbarg, Patricia L.

2013 Nautilus Award Winner - Silver Here's a drug-free, side-effect free solution to common stress and mood problems--developed by two physicians. Millions of Americans suffer from mood problems an...

作者:Gelb, Michael J.

Do moments of inspiration have to be few and far between--or can you develop the ability to access your deepest creativity at any time? Michael Gelb has discovered the missing key that allows geniu...

作者:Yu, Tianjian

The Dharma Book: Heal Yourself & Others Through Meditation is a rich and densely packed book with over thirty-six meditation practices that offer you the chance to improve the quality of your life ...

作者:Matthews, Jason

Red Sparrow is now a major motion picture starring Jennifer Lawrence and Joel Edgerton In the final, thrilling New York Times bestselling installment of the Red Sparrow Trilogy, Russian counterinte...

作者:Osho International Foundation (COR)

In this volume, Osho gives an overview of the Eastern science behind the energy centers in the human body that are sometimes known as chakras. It is a science that underlies traditional Chinese med...

